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Desultory notes on the Government and People of China, and on the chinese language (1847).
Table des matières

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir du texte de Thomas Taylor Meadows, Desultory notes on the Government and People of China, and on the chinese language. Première édition: Wm. H. ALLEN and Co., Londres, 1847. Réimpression Praeger Publishers, New York, 1970. XIII + 250 pages. Une édition réalisée par Pierre Palpant, bénévole, Paris.

Table des matières


NOTE I : On the False Notions extant in England regarding China and the Chinese.

NOTE II : On the Business Style of the Chinese written Language.

NOTE III : On the Difficulty of Learning the Chinese Language.

NOTE IV : On the Colloquial Chinese as spoken by the Manchoos, inclusive of the Imperial Family and Household, and by Natives of Pekin generally.

NOTE V : A New Orthography adapted to the Pekin Pronunciation of the Colloquial Chinese.

NOTE VI : On the Intonations or Tones, called Shĕng by the Chinese.

NOTE VII : Sketch of Kwang-tûng.

NOTE VIII : On the Rank, Duties, and Salaries of the Mandarins...

NOTE IX : On the Yamun and their various Inhahitants.

NOTE X : On the Ti pau and the Tai shu.

NOTE XI : On the Cause of the long Duration of the Chinese Empire.

NOTE XII : On the Principal Defects of the Chinese Government.

NOTE XIII : On Personating Criminals.

NOTE XIV : On the Extortions and Oppressions of the Mandarins.

NOTE XV : On the Internal Stability of the Chinese Empire.

NOTE XVI : On some of the more Prominent Features in the Charac­ter and Manners of the Chinese, and on the Best Method of dealing with them.

NOTE XVII : On the Chinese Ignorance of Foreign Countries, and Feeling of Superiority over Foreigners.

NOTE XVIII : On the Best Means of putting an end to the General Use of Opium in China.

NOTE XIX : Application of the Conclusion arrived at in Note XI. to the Policy and Prospects of our own Country.

Retour au livre de l'auteur: Laurence Binyon (1869-1943) Dernière mise à jour de cette page le jeudi 11 janvier 2007 6:16
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue
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