Droits d'auteur

aux éditeurs

Signez la pétition
contre l'allongement
des droits d'auteur

Sign the petition
against prolongation
of protection
of the copyright law

de la pétition
[Québec et Canada]

de la pétition
[ailleurs dans le monde]

Échanges suite
à la pétition

Loi canadienne
sur les droits d'auteur

Les droits d'auteur
dans le monde

Mémoire présenté
à la Chambre
des communes



An invitation to sign the petition

Record your objection to any prolongation of the period of protection of the copyright law by adding your name to our petition.

This site labeled "
Les classiques des sciences sociales" is a virtual library, in French, where eminent works from the Social Sciences field are collected and offered to your study without any charge. For one year now, its creation and enrichment have been assured by the enormous labor of Jean Marie Tremblay and a team of 15 dedicated volunteers. More than 550 works are assembled here in their original version. Easy and free access to knowledge is therefore made available to everyone thanks to the vast intellectual heritage this library puts to the disposal of those interested in the Social Sciences.

Because of the time restriction in the copyright law, this virtual library can only add and catalogue works from authors or translators deceased for at least 50 years. But it appears that even this restriction to accessing knowledge is being threatened. At the request of the Walt Disney Company, the Supreme Court of the United States has prolonged the limitation period for 20 more years. The actual 50 year constraint to the copyright law is therefore being lengthened to 70 years , and it is even possible that it might be extended to 120 years. Once again the fundamental right to access knowledge is being trodden by the requirements to make a profit.

Any browser to this site can champion this fundamental right to access knowledge, and to show support to this web site by adding his or her name to our petition.

Click the hyperlink here to read Mr. Marc-André Gagnon' s opinion, doctorant en science politique à l'Université York, Toronto, Canada.
Click the hyperlink to get access to “ Droits d'auteurs, ou droits aux profits financiers ? ” from Michel Laserre, economist, published in “Grain de sable” from Attac on copyright and the future. Excellent! [JMT]

Click here to read the petition's text and email me if you want your name to be added to the signatories
Click here the names of the signatories
Click here to read some of the emails received from visitors.

Un excellent site permettant de préciser les règles d'application du droit d'auteur dans divers pays, suggéré par Gilles Caron, directeur, Bibliothèque Paul-Émile Boulet, UQAC.


Jean-Marie Tremblay, professeur de sociologie au Cégep de Chicoutimi
Fondateur et directeur de la collection Les Classiques des sciences sociales
en collaboration avec la Bibliothèque Paul-Émile-Boulet de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Text translated by my friends, Serge Harvey, dir.-adjoint, bibliothèque Paul-Émile Boulet, now retired, and Danny Deraps, English Teacher, Cégep de Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, Canada.

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le samedi 24 octobre 2015 0:43

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