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Site pédagogique de
Jean-Marie Tremblay

Textes de
Jean-Marie Tremblay

Droits d'auteur

Bibliothécaires / Librarians


L'European Sociological Association, Helsinski, Finlande

pointe sur nous depuis le 30 mai 2001.

Dear Jean-Marie Tremblay,

Thank you for letting us know about your site. You have done a remarkable
job! A really wonderful site, with lots of classical texts and resources
for sociology students and scholars
. (In promoting your site, you may
certainly quote this!!)

When the ESA-pages are updated again, I will certainly recommend your site.

I understand your site is intended to serve the francophone community.
Unfortunately, I am not at home in the french speaking part of the World
Wide Web. I cannot give you any useful links to other sites and resources
in french on the web. But I can suggest some classical writers and texts to
include in your list:

Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan (1651)
Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) about Democracy in America
Tönnies (1855-1936) about 'Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft'

Rene Bekkers: mailto:R.Bekkers@fss.uu.nl

Cliquer sur le bouton Links et ensuite sur l'option Web Resources


Retour à la section: On pointe sur nous Dernière mise à jour de cette page le Lundi 30 juillet 2001 09:08
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue

Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
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