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Collection « Les sciences sociales contemporaines »

“The Peyote Way Church of God: Native Americans v. New Religions v. the Law.”(1995)
Références bibliographiques

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir de l'article de Bernadette Rigal-Cellard, (Professeure, Études Nord-Américaines, Directrice de l’UFR des Pays anglophones, Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux 3), “The Peyote Way Church of God: Native Americans v. New Religions v. the Law.” Un article publié dans la revue European Review of Native American Studies (Frankfurt). Vol. 9, no 1, 1995, pp. 35-43.  A paper presented at the CESNUR 2004 Conference, Waco, Texas, June 18-20, 2004, sous le titre : “An analysis of the Peyote Way Church of God in the legal field”. [Avec l’autorisation de Mme Bernadette Rigal-Cellard accordée le 14 juillet 2005]

Références bibliographiques

ABERLE, David F. The Peyote Religion among the Navaho. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.(First edition 1966). (Edition used: Reprint of 1982 edition by University of Oklahoma Press, 1991)

Anderson, Edward. Peyote the Divine Cactus. Tucson : University of Arizona Press, 1980.

BROWNE, Barbara. "Court Case Tests Legality of Peyote". Rocky Mountain News, 24th May, 1967.(no page given)

DOYLE, John T. "Constitutional Law: Dubious Intrusions——Peyote, Drug Laws, and Religious Freedom". American Indian Law Review 8:1 (1980): 79-96.

FRANKLIN, Virgil and PATCHEN, Jerry D. "The Jurisprudence of Peyote in the United States". The Entheogen Law Reporter. 5 (Winter 1994) 39-43.

GLEN BOIRE, Richard. "Accommodating Religious Users of Controlled Substances: a Model Amendment to the Controlled Substances Act". The Journal of Drug Issues, (Summer 1994) 24(3), 463-481

------, "Entheogens and the Free Exercise Clause: Practical Legal Aspects for Individuals". The Entheogen Law Reporter, 4 (Fall 1994) 28-32.

Johnston, David. "Reverence? Or Is It Robbery? New Age Movement Emulates Indian Ways". International Herald Tribune (Paris Edition), Dec. 28, 1993, 3.

La Barre, Weston. The Peyote Cult.(Hamden, Ct: The Shoe String Press, 1959, 1964) New York: Schocken Books, 1975.

LAWSON, Paul E. and SCHOLES Jennifer. "Jurisprudence, Peyote and the Native American Church". American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 10:1 (1986)13-27.

Loftin, John D. "Anglo-American Jurisprudence and the Native American Tribal Quest for Religious Freedom". American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 13:1 (1989) 1-52.

McCLINTOCK, James H. Mormon Settlement in Arizona. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1985. (copyright 1921)

Michaelsen, Robert. "The Significance of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978". Journal of the Academy of Religion, LII/1 (1984) 93-115.

MURPHY, Thomas W. "Word of Wisdom and Peyote: the Diversity of Interpretations". 1993 John Whitmer Historical Association Annual Meeting. Part 2 reprinted in The Sacred Record, 15:2 (June 1994) 4-6.

O'Dea, Thomas. The Mormons. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957.

PAVLIK, Steve. "Of Saints and Lamanites: An Analysis of Navajo Mormonism". Wicazo Sa Review, 8:1 (1992) 21-30.

-------, "The U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Peyote in Employment Division v. Smith: A Case Study in the Suppression of Native American Religious Freedom." Wicazo Sa Review, 8:2 (1992) 30-39.

Peyote Way Church of God v. William Smith, Attorney General of the United States and Jim Mattox, Attorney General of the State of Texas. (742 F.2d 193 (1984)). n° 83-1587. 742 Federal Reporter, 2d Series, (1984) 193-202.

Peyote Way Church of God, Inc. v. Thornburgh, 922 F.2d 1210 (5th Cir. 1991) (Establishment Clause case applying rational-basis scrutiny).

ROBBINS, Thomas, SHEPHERD, Williams C., McBRIDE, James, eds. Cults, Culture and the Law. Perspectives on New Religious Movements. (American Academy of Religion, Studies in Religion) Atlanta, GA:Scholars Press, 1985.

Shepherd, William C. "The Prosecutor's Reach: Legal Issues Stemming from the New Religions Movements". The Journal of the American Academy of Religion, L/2 (1982), 187-214.

Shields, Steven L. LDS Beliefs. A Comparison between the Reformed Church of Jesus Christ of the LDS and the Church of Christ of LDS. Independence, Mis.: Herald Publishing House, 1986.

-----, Divergent Paths of the Restoration. A History of the LDS Movement. Los Angeles: Restoration Research, 1990.

Stewart, Omer. History of the Peyote Religion. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987.

Synopsis, Syllabi and Key Number Classification. West Publihing Co, 1984. "Peyote Way Church of God v. Smith", n°83-1387. pp.5825-5834.

United States of America v. Donald Nixon Rush; United States v. Michael Lee Risolvato; United States v. Charles Leaton. (738 F.Ed 497 (1984). n° 83-1177, 83-1391 and 83-1463. 738 Federal Reporter, 2d Series (1984) 497-517.

VECSEY, Christopher. Handbook of American Indian Religious Freedom. New York: Crossroad, 1991. In particular these chapters: Sharon O'Brien: "A Legal Analysis of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act"(27-43). Omer Stewart: "Peyote and the Law"(44-62). Robert Michaelsen: "Law and the Limits of Liberty"(116-133).

VOGEL, Dan. Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon. Midvale: Signature Book, 1986.

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