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Collection « Les sciences sociales contemporaines »


Une édition électronique réalisée à partir de l'article de Serge MOSCOVICI, PSYCHOLOGIE DES MINORITÉS ACTIVES. Traduit de l’anglais par Anne Rivière. Paris: Les Presses universitaires de France, 3e édition, 1991, 275 pp. Collection: Sociologies. 1re édition: 1979. Une édition numérique réalisée par Réjeanne Toussaint, bénévole, Chomedey, Ville Laval, Québec. [Autorisation accordée par l'auteur le 1er septembre 2007 de diffuser la totalité de ses publications dans Les Classiques des sciences sociales.]


ABELSON, R. P. and LESSER, G. S. (1964), in COHEN, A. R. (ed.), Attitudes Change and Social Influence, New York, Basic Books.

ALLEN, V. L. (1974), Social Support for Non-conformity, Madison (Mimeo).

_____, and LEVINE, J. M. (1968), Social support, dissent and conformity, Sociometry, 31, 138-149.

_____, and LEVINE, J. M. (1971). Social pressure and personal preference, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 7, 122-124.

ARCHER, J. (1968), The Unpopular Ones, New York, Crowell-Collier Press.

ARONSON, E. (1972), The Social Animal, San Francisco, Freeman & Co.

_____, and LINDER, D. (1965), Gain and loss of esteem as determinants of interpersonal attractiveness, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1, 156-171.

ASCH, S. E. (1952), Social Psychology, New York, Prentice-Hall.

_____, (1955), Opinions and social pressure, Scientific American, 193, 31-35.

_____, (1956), Studies on independence and conformity : a minority of one against a unanimous majority, Psychological Monographs, 70 (416).

_____, (1959), A perspective on social psychology, in S. KOCH (ed.), Psychology : A study of a science, Vol. 3, pp. 363-384, New York, McGraw-Hill.

BACK, K. W. and DAVIS, K. E. (1965), Some personal and situational factors relevant to the consistency and prediction of conforming behaviors, Sociometry, 28, 227-240.

BANDURA, A. and WALTERS, R. H. (1963), Social Learning and Personality Development, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

BASS, B. M. (1961), Some observations about a general theory of leadership and interpersonal behavior, in PETRULLO, L. and BASS, B. M. (eds), Leadership and Interpersonal Behavior, New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.


BIENER, L. (1971), The effect of message repetition on attitudes change : a model of informational social influence, Columbia University, Ph. D. Thesis.

BIENER, L., STEWENS, L., BARRETT, D. and GLEASON, J. (1974), The Effect of Minority Status on the Power to Influence, Los Angeles (Mimeo).

BRAMEL, D. (1972), Attrait et hostilité interpersonnels, in Moscovici, S. (ed.), Introduction à la psychologie sociale, Paris, Larousse, I, pp. 193-236.

BREHM, J. W. and COHEN, A. R. (1962), Explorations in Cognitive Dissonance, New York, Wiley.

BREHM, J. and LIPSHER, D. (1959), Communicator-communicatee discrepancy and perceived communicator trustworthiness, Journal of Personality, 27, 352-361.

BRODBECK, M. (1956), The role of small groups in mediating the effects of propaganda, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52, 166-170.

BURDICK, H. A. and BURNES, A. Y. (1958), A test of « strain toward symmetry » theories, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 57, 367-370.

BYRNE, D. and CLOSE, G. L. (1967), Effective arousal and attraction, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 6, No. 638.

CHURCHMAN, C. W. (1961), Predictions and Optimal Decisions, New York, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall.

CICOUREL, A. V. (1973), Cognitive Sociology : Language and Meaning in Social Interaction, London, Penguin Education.

COCH, L. and FRENCH, J. R. P. Jr. (1948), Overcoming resistance to change, Human Relations, 1, 512-532.

COHEN, A. R. (1964), Attitude Change and Social Influence, New York, Basic Books.

CRUTCHFIELD, R. S. (1955), Conformity and character, American Psychologist, 10, 195-198.

DE MONCHAUX, C. and SHIMMIN, S. (1955), Some problems of method in experimental group psychology, Human Relations, 8, 58-60.

DEUTSCH, M. and GERARD, H. B. (1955), A study of normative and informational social influence upon individual judgment, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51, 629-636.

DITTES, J. E. (1959), Effect of changes in self-esteem upon impulsiveness and deliberation in making judgments, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58, 348-356.

Di VESTA, F. J., Effect of confidence and motivation on susceptibility to informational social influence, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59, 204-209.

_____, and Cox, L. (1960), Some dispositional correlates of conformity behavior, Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 259-268.

EISINGER, R. and MILLS, J. (1968), Perception of the sincerity and competence of a communicator as a function of the extremity of his position, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 4, 224-232.


EMERSON, R. (1954), Deviation and rejection : an experimental replication, American Sociological Review, 19, 688-693.

FAUCHEUX, C. et Moscovici, S. (1967), Le style de comportement d'une minorité et son influence sur les réponses d'une majorité, Bulletin du CERP, 16, 337-360.

FESTINGER, L. (1950), Informal social communication, Psychological Review, 57, 217-282.

_____, 1954), A theory of social comparison processes, Human Relations, 7, 117-140.

_____, (1957), Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, Evanston, Row, Peterson.

_____, GERARD, H. B., HYMOVITCH, B., KELLEY, H. H., and RAVEN, B. H. (1952), The influence process in the presence of extreme deviates, Human Relations, 5, 327-346.

FOURIEZOS, N. T., HUTT, M. L. and GUETZKOW, H. (1950), Measurement of self-oriented needs in discussion groups, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 45, 682-690.

FREEDMAN, J. L., and DOOB, A. N. (1968), Deviancy : the Psychology of Being Different, New York and London, Academic Press.

FRENCH, J. R. P. (1956), A formal theory of social power, Psychological Review, 63, 181-194.

_____, and RAVEN, B. H. (1959), The bases of social power, in CARTWRIGHT, D. (ed.), Studies in Social Power, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, pp. 118-149.

GERARD, H. B. and GREENBAUM, C. W. (1962), Attitudes toward an agent of uncertainty reduction, Journal of Personality, 30, 485-495.

GOLDBERG, L. R. and RORER, L. G. (1966), Use of two different response modes and repeated testings to predict social conformity, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 3, 28-37.

GORDON, B. F. (1966), Influence and social comparison as motives for affiliation, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1, 55-65.

GORE, P. M. and ROTTER, J. B. (1963), A personality correlate of social action, Journal of Personality, 31, 58-64.

GRAHAM, D. (1962), Experimental studies of social influence in simple judgment situations, Journal of Social Psychology, 56, 245-269.

GURNEE, E. (1937), A comparison of collective and individual judgment of fact, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 21, 106-112.

HAIN, J.D., GRAHAM, R. N. Jr., MOUTON, J. S. and BLAKE, R. R. (1956), Stimulus and background factors in petition signing, Southwest Social Science Quarterly, 36, 385-390.

HARDY, K.R. (1957), Determinants of conformity and attitude change, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 54, 287-294.

HARE, A.P. (1965), Handbook of Small Group Research, New York, Free Press of Glencoe.


HARE, A.P. and BALES, R.F. (1965), Seating position and small group interaction, Sociometry, 28, 480-486.

HARVEY, O.J. and CONSALVI, C. (1960), Status and conformity to pressure in informal groups, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60, 182-187.

HEIDER, F. (1958), The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, New York, John Wiley.

HEWGILL, M.A. and MILLER, G.R. (1965), Source credibility and response to fear-arousing communication, Speech Monographs, 32, 95-101.

HIRSCHMAN, A.O. (1970), Exit Voice and Loyalty, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.

HOCHBAUM, G.H. (1954), The relation between the group member's self-confidence and their reaction to group pressure to uniformity, American Sociological Review, 19, 678-687.

HOLLANDER, E.P. (1960), Competence and conformity in the acceptance of influence, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61, 360-365.

_____, (1958), Conformity, status and idiosyncrasy credit, Psychological Review, 65, 117-127.

_____, (1964), Leaders, Groups, and Influence, New York, Oxford University Press.

_____, (1967), Principles and Methods of Social Psychology, New York, Oxford University Press.

HOMANS, G.G. (1961), Social Behavior, its Elementary Forms, New York, Harcourt, Brace, and World.

HOVLAND, C.I., JANIS, I.L. and KELLEY, H.H. (1953), Communication and Persuasion, New Haven, Yale University Press.

HOVLAND, C., LUMSDAINE, A.A. and SHEFFIELD, F.D. (1949), Experiments on Mass Communication, Princeton, Princeton University Press.

JACKSON, J.M. and SALTZENSTEIN, M.D. (1958), The effect of person-group relationships on conformity processes, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 57, 17-24.

JONES, E. (1961), The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, New York, Basic Books.

JONES, E.E. (1965), Conformity as a tactic of ingratiation, Science, 149, 144-150.

JONES, E.E., BELL, L. and ARONSON, E. (1971), The reciprocation of attraction from similar and dissimilar others : a study in person perception and evaluation, in MCCLINTHOCK, C. G. (ed.), Experimental Social Psychology, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, pp. 142-183.

_____, and GERARD, H.B. (1967), Foundations of Social Psychology, New York, John Wiley.

KELLEY, H.H. (1967), Attribution theory in social psychology, in LEVINE, L. (ed.), Nebraska Symposium Motivation, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.


KELLEY, H.H. and LAMB, T.W. (1957), Certainty of judgment and resistance to social influence, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55, 137-139.

_____, and SHAPIRO, M.M. (1954), An experiment on conformity to group norms where conformity is detrimental to group achievement, American Sociological Review, 19, 667-677.

_____, and THIBAUT, J.W. (1968), Group problem-solving, in LINDZEY, G. and ARONSON, E. (eds), Handbook of Social Psychology, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley.

KIESLER, C.A. (1969), Group pressure and conformity, in MILLS, J. (ed.), Experimental Social Psychology, New York, Macmillan, pp. 235-306.

_____, and KIESLER, S.B. (1969), Conformity, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley.

_____, and PALLAK, M. S. (1975), Minority influence : the effect of majority reactionaries and defectors, and minority and majority compromisers, upon majority opinion and attraction, European Journal of Social Psychology, 5 (2), 237-256.

KUHN, T. (1962), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago, University of Chicago.

LAGE, E. (1973), Innovation et influence minoritaire, thèse de 3e cycle, Université de Paris VII (Miméo).

LEMAINE, G. (1966), Inégalité, comparaison, incomparabilité : esquisse d'une théorie de l'originalité sociale, Bulletin de Psychologie, 20, 24-32.

_____, (1974), Social differentiation and social originality, European Journal of Social Psychology, 4 (1), 17-52.

LEVINGER, G. (1959), The development of perceptions and behavior in newly formed social power relationships, in CARTHWRIGHT, D. (ed.), Studies in Social Power, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, pp. 83-98.

LEWIN, K. (1948), Resolving Social Conflicts, New York, Harper.

LINDSKOLD, S. and TEDESCHI, J.T. (1970), Threatening and conciliatory influence attempts as a function of source's perception of own competence in conflict situation, Mimeographed manuscript, State University of New York at Albany.

LINTON, H. and GRAHAM, E. (1959), Personality correlates of persuasibility, in HOVLAND, E. and JANIS, I. (eds), Personality and Persuasibility, New Haven, Yale University Press.

LIPPIT, R., POLANSKY, N., REDL, F. and ROSEN, S. (1952), The dynamics of power, Human Relations, 5, 37-64.

McGINNIES, E. (1970), Social Behavior, Functional Analysis, New York, Houghton-Mifflin.

MANN, R.D. (1959), A review of the relationships between personality and performance in small groups, Psychological Bulletin, 56, 241-270.

MAUSNER, B. (1954), The effect of prior reinforcement on the interaction of observer pairs, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49, 65-68.

MEUNIER, C. and RULE, B.G. (1967). Anxiety, confidence and conformity, Journal of Personality, 35, 498-504.


MILGRAM, S. (1956), Group pressure and action against a person, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 25, 115-129.

_____, (1965), Liberation effects of group pressure, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, 127-134.

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MILLMAN, S. (1968), Anxiety, comprehension and susceptibility to social influence, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 9, 251-256.

MILLS, J., and JELLISON, J.M. (1967), Effect of opinion change of how desirable the communication is to the audience the communicator addressed, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 6, 98-101.

MOELLER, G. and APPLEZWEIG, M.M. (1957), A motivational factor in conformity, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55, 114-120.

MOSCOVICI, S. (1968). Essai sur l'histoire humaine de la nature, Paris, Flammarion. [Livre disponible dans Les Classiques des sciences sociales. JMT.]

_____, and FAUCHEUX, C. (1972), Social influence, conformity bias, and the study of active minorities, in BERKOWITZ, L. (ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, New York and London, Academic Press, Vol. 6, pp. 149-202.

_____, et LAGE, E. (1975), Comparaison de l'influence majoritaire et de l'influence minoritaire dans un groupe, European Journal of Social Psychology.

_____, LAGE, E. and NAFFRECHOUX, M. (1969), Influence of a consistent minority on the responses of a majority in a color perception task, Sociometry, 32, 365-379.

_____, et LAGE, E. (1975), L'influence minoritaire dans un contexte d'originalité des jugements.

_____, and NEMETH, C. (1974), Social influence II : Minority influence, in NEMETH C. (ed.), Social Psychology : classic and contemporary integrations, Chicago, Rand McNally College Publishing Company, pp  217-250.

_____, and NEVE P. (1971), Studies in social influence : I. Those absent are in the right :  convergence and polarization of answers in the course of a social interaction, European Journal of Social Psychology, 1 (2), 201-213.

MOUTON, J.S., BLAKE, R. R. and OLMSTEAD, J.A. (1956), The relationship between frequency of yielding and the disclosure of personal identity, Journal of Personality, 24 (3), 339-347.

MUGNY, G. (1973), Négociation et influence minoritaire, EPSE, Université de Genève (Miméo).

_____, (1974 a), Importance de la consistance dans l'influence de communications minoritaires « congruentes » et « incongruentes » sur des jugements opinions, Genève (Miméo).

_____, (1974 b), Notes sur le style de comportement rigide, Genève (Miméo).

_____, (1974 c), Majorité et minorité : le niveau de leur influence, Genève (Miméo).


MUGNY, G., HUMBERT, B. et ZUBEL, R. (1973), Le style d'interaction comme facteur de l'influence sociale, Bulletin de Psychologie, 26, 789-793.

MULDER, M. (1960), The power variable in communication experiments, Human Relations, 13, 241-257.

MYERS, M.T. and GOLDBERG, A.A. (1970), Group credibility and opinion change, Journal of Communication, 20, 174-179.

NEMETH, C. and ENDICOTT, J. (1974), The midpoint as an anchor : another look at discrepancy of position and attitude change (Miméo).

_____, and SWEDLUND, M. and KANKI, B. (1974), Patterning of the minority's responses and their influence on the majority, European Journal of Social Psychology, (4-1), 33-64.

_____, and WACHTLER, J. (1973), Consistency and modification of judgment, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 9, 65-79.

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NEWCOMB, T.M., TURNER, R.H. and CONVERSE, P.E. (1964), Social Psychology, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

NORD, W.R. (1969), Social exchange theory : an integrative approach to social conformity, Psychological Bulletin, 71, 174-208.

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_____, and BOUCHET, Y. (1973), Attitude polarisation, familiarisation, and group process. European Journal of Social Psychology, 3 (1), 83-90.

POWELL, F.A. and MILLER, G.R. (1967), Social approval and disapproval cues in anxiety - arousing communications, Speech Monographs, 34, 152-159.

RAVEN, B.H. (1959), Social influence on opinions and the communication of related content, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58, 119-128.

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RIECKEN, H.W. (1952), Some problems of consensus and development, Rural Sociology, 17, 245-252.

ROMMETWEIT, R. (1954), Social Norms and Roles, Oslo, Oslo University Press.

ROSENBERG, LA. (1963), Conformity as a function of confidence in self and confidence in partner, Human Relations, 16, 131-141.

ROSENTHAL, D. and COFER, C.N. (1948), The effect on group performance of an indifferent and neglectful attitude shown by one group member, Journal of Experiment Psychology, 38, 568-577.


ROSNER, S. (1957), Consistency in response to group pressures, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55, 145-146.

SAMELSON, F. (1957), Conforming behavior under two conditions of conflict in the cognitive field, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55, 181-187.

SCHACHTER, S. (1951), Deviation, rejection, and communication, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 46, 190-207.

SCHANK, R.L. (1932), A study of a community and its groups and institutions conceived of as behaviors of individuals, Psychological Monographs, 43 (2).

Science for the People, 1973, July.

SECORD, P.F. and BACKMAN, C.W. (1964), Social Psychology, New York, McGraw-Hill.

SHAW, M.E. (1963), Some effects of varying amounts of information exclusively possessed by a group member upon his behavior to the group, Journal of Genetic Psychology, 68, 71-79.

SHERIF, M. and HOVLAND, C.I. (1961), Social Judgment, New Haven, Yale University Press.

_____, and SHERIF, C. (1969), Social Psychology, New York, Harper & Row.

SHRAUGER, J.S. and JONES, S.C. (1968), Social validation and interpersonal evaluations, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 4, 315-323.

SIGALL, H. (1970), The effect of competition and consensual validation on a communicator's liking for the audience, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 16, 251-258.

SINGER, J.E. and SCHOKLEY, V.C. (1965), Ability and affiliation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, 95-100.

SMITH, C.E. (1936), A study of the automatic excitation resulting from the interaction of individual opinions and group opinion, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 30, 138-164.

SMITH, K.H. and RICHARDS, B. (1967), Effects of a rational appeal and of anxiety on conformity behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 5, 122-126.

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STRICKLAND, B.R. (1963), The prediction of social action from a dimension of internal-external control, Journal of Social Psychology, 66, 353-338.

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TAYLOR, H.F. (1969), Balance in Small Groups, New York, Van Nostrand-Reinhold Company.

THIBAUT, J. and STRICKLAND, L.M. (1956), Psychological set and social conformity, Journal of Personality, 25, 115-129.

TORRANCE, E.P. (1959), The influence of experienced members of small groups on the behavior of the inexperienced, Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 249-257.

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WAHRMAN, R. and PUGH, M.D. (1972), Competence and conformity Another Look at Hollander's Study, Sociometry, 35, 376-386.

WALSTER, E. and ABRAHAMS, D. (1972), Interpersonal attraction and social influence, in TEDESCHI, J. T. (ed.), The Social Influence Processes, Chicago, Aldine Atherton, pp. 197-238.

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ZILLER, R.C. and BEHRINGER, R.D. (1960), Assimilation of the knowledge newcomer under conditions of group success and failure, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60, 288-291.

ZIMBARDO, P.G. (1960), Involvement and communication discrepancy as determinants of opinion conformity, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 60, 86-94.

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