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Collection « Les sciences sociales contemporaines »

Joëlle Canton
magistrate et psychologue française

“The “Quebec classification” known as
“Process of production of handicap” can it contribute
to the production of knowledge and help decision-making? (2010)

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir de l'article de Joëlle Canton, “The “Quebec classification” known as “Process of production of handicap” can it contribute to the production of knowledge and help decision-making?.” Interactions, International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research into Dysfunctions and Handicaps, vol. 2, January 2010, 32 pp. [Autorisation accordée le 12 avril 2010 par Marc Maudinet, directeur du CTNERHI, de diffuser tous les textes de la revue dans Les Classiques des sciences sociales]

Directeur du CTNERHI, Centre Technique National d'Études et de Recherches sur les Handicaps et Inadaptations, Paris.

Joëlle Canton est magistrate et psychologue. Elle a collaboré aux missions d’expertise confiées par le centre collaborateur français de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé au Laboratoire CNRS « Parole et Langage », sous la direction de Christian Rossignol.


The “Quebec classification” known as
“Process of production of handicap” can it contribute
to the production of knowledge and help decision-making?

A study run by the “Quebec Committee on the International Classification of Impairment Disabilities and handicaps” at the same time as the revision process of the I.C.I.D.H. led to the production of a “classification” distinct from that of the WHO. The third version of this “classification”, known as “Processus de production du handicap” released in 1998 – considered by its developers as a final, accomplished and validated version – seems to place itself more as a competitor than as a complement to the WHO classification. Although called “Classification”, this text is in fact made up of five distinct documents entitled “nomenclature” none of which have the formal properties of a classification. The expression “Processus de production du handicap” does not refer to a delimited set of objects or types susceptible to be classified, but is the proper noun of a “model” which claims to be “an explicative model of the diseases, traumatisms and other attacks of the integrity and development of the individual”. The analysis of the different nomenclatures shows that they have not been designed to serve the general purpose of “explanation” of the “Processus de production du handicap” in other words the “process of production of social exclusion”, and they cannot claim to contribute in a notable way to this explanation. On the contrary, the main purpose according to which these documents have been conceived seems to be to provide “experts” the means to draw up “individual profiles” based on judgments passed on individuals, on the nature and extent of their “needs”, their belonging to a “target group”, and their right to compensation.

Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de recherche sur les dysfonctions et les handicaps

Revenir à l'auteur: Jacques Brazeau, sociologue, Univeristé de Montréal Dernière mise à jour de cette page le vendredi 13 mai 2011 12:57
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue
professeur de sociologie au Cégep de Chicoutimi.

Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
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