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Collection « Les sciences sociales contemporaines »

Léon Dion, Les groupes et le pouvoir politique aux États-Unis. (1965)

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir du livre de Léon Dion, Les groupes et le pouvoir politique aux États-Unis. Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval; Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1965, 159 pp. Une édition numérique réalisée par Réjeanne Toussaint, bénévole, Chomedey, Ville Laval, Québec. [Autorisation accordée par Mme Denyse Dion, épouse de M. Dion, le 30 mars 2005 de diffuser, dans Les Classiques des sciences sociales, toutes les publications de son défunt mari, Léon Dion.]



BEER, Samuel H., « Group representation in Britain and the United States », The Annals.., 1968, 130ss.

BENTLEY, Arthur F., The process of government, University of Chicago Press, 1908.

BOURRICAUD, François, Esquisse d'une théorie de l'autorité, Paris, Plon, 1961.

BOURRICAUD, François, « Science politique et sociologie : Réflexions d'un sociologue », Revue française de sociologie, vol. 8, n° 2, juin 1958, 249-276.

BOURRICAUD, François, « Sur la prédominance de l'analyse microscopique dans la sociologie américaine contemporaine », Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, vol. XIII, 1952, 105-121.

EHRMANN, Henry W., ed., Interest groups on four continents, International Political Science Association, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1958.

FRENCH, John R. P., « A formal theory of social power », Psychological review, vol. 63, May 1956.

GARCEAU, Oliver, « Interest group theory in political research », The Annals..., 1958, 319, 104ss.

GURVITCH, Georges, Traité de sociologie, P. U. F., 1958, tome 1er, 186ss.

HAGAN, Charles G., Approaches to the study of politics, Northwestern U. P., 1958.

LATHAM, Earl, « The group basis of politics : Notes for a theory », The American political science review, vol. XLVI, June 1952.

MEYNAUD, Jean, Nouvelles études sur les groupes de pression en France, Librairie Armand Colin, Paris, 1962.

PIN, E., Les classes sociales, Coll. sociologie d'aujourd'hui, Paris, Spes, 1962.

SMALL, Albion, General sociology, University of Chicago Press, 1905.

STRAUSS, G. R., « Pressure Groups I have known », Political quarterly, 1958.


BANFIELD, Edward, Wilson, James Q., City politics, Harward Press, Cambridge, 1963.

DAHL, Robert A., POLSBY, Nelson W., Who governs ? Democracy and power in an American city, New Haven. Yale U. P., 1961.

HUNTER, Floyd, Community power structure : a study of decision makers, Chapel Hill, 1953.

KAHL Joseph A., Davis, Kinsley, The American class structure, New York, Rinehart and Co., 1957.

KAMMERER, Charles D. Farris, DE GROVE, John M., CLUBOK, Alfred B., The Urban political community, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1963.

MARTIN, John Barlow, « The blast in centralis No. 5, a mine disaster no one stopped », Harpers Magazine, 196, March 1949, 193-220.

POLSBY, Nelson W., Community power and political theory, New Haven, Yale U. P., 1963.

SCHULTZE, Robert O., « The role of economic dominants in community power structure », American Sociological Review, 23, February, 1958.

STEIN, Maurice R., The eclipse of community, Princeton U. P., 1960.

WARNER, W. Lloyd, American life ; dream and reality, The University of Chicago Press, 1962.


BERELSON, B. R, LAZARSFELD, P. F., McPHEE W. N., Voting, Chicago U. P., 1954.

BURDICK, Eugene, BRODBECK, Arthur J., ed., American voting behavior, The Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois, 1959, ch. 12-13.

CAMPBELL, Angus et al., The American voter, Wiley, New York, 1960.

CAMPBELL, Angus, GURIN, Gerald, MILLER W. E., The voter decides, Evanston, Ill., Row Peterson, 1954.

LAZARSFELD, P. F., BERELSON, Bernard, GAUDET, Hazel, The People's choice. 2e ed., Columbia U. P., 1948.



HERSH, Jeanne, Idéologies et réalités, Essai d'orientation, Plon, Paris, 1956.

LASKI, Harold, Liberty in the modern state, The Viking Press, New York, 1949.

LEE Eugene C., The politics of Nonpartismship : a study of California City election, Berkeley, U. C. P., 1960.

LIPSET, Seymour Martin, Political man. The social bases of politics, Doubleday Co., Garden City, New York, 1960.

LIPSET, Seymour Martin et al., Union Democracy, The internal politics of the international typographical union, The Free Press, Glencoe, Ill., 1956.

McKEON, Richard, Democracy in a world of tensions. A symposium. UNESCO, United Nations, Paris, 1951.

WOLLHEIM, Richard, « Democracy », Journal of the history of ideas, vol. XIX, no. 2, 1958, 222ss.


BONE Hugh A., « Political parties and pressure group politics », The Anna1s..., vol. 319, Sept. 1958, 74ss.

LAVAU, G. E., Partis politiques et réalités sociales, Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des sciences politiques, Librairie Armand Colin, Paris, 1953.

MEYNAUD, Jean, Introduction à la Science politique, Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des sciences politiques, Librairie Armand Colin, Paris, 1959.


ALFORD, Robert R., « Role of social class in American voting behavior ». Western political science quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1, March 1963.

AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION, « Toward a more responsible two-party system », The American political science review, supplement, vol. XLIV, no. 3, part 2, 1950.

BILLINGTON, Ray Allen, The Protestant Crusade 1800-1860. A study of the origins of American Nativism, Rinehart Co., New York, 1938.

BLAISDELL, Donald C., American democracy under pressure. The Ronald Press Co., New York, 1957, 159ss.

DEARING, Mary R., Veterans in politics ; The story of the G.A. R., Louisiana State U.P., Baton.Rouge, 1952.

DRAPER, Theodore, The roots of American communism, The, Viking Press,  New York, 1957.

EBERSOLE, Luke, « Religion and politics », The Annals..., no. 332, Nov. 1960, 101-112.

GALLUP, George, « How labor votes », The Annals..., vol. 274, March 1951, 123-125.

HAMILTON, Charles Granville, Lincoln and the Know-Nothing movement, Annals of American Research, Public Affairs Press, Washington D.C., 1954.

Howe, Irving, Coser, Lewis, The American communist party. A critical history (1919-1957). Beacon Press, Boston, 1957.

KEY, V.O., Public opinion and American democracy, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1961.

KROLL, Jack, « Labor's political role », The Annals.... vol. 274, March 1951, 118-123.

LEE, Eugene C., The politics of Nonpartismship : a study of California City elections, Berkeley, U. C. P., 1960.

LEISERSON, Avery, « Organized labor as a pressure group », The Annals.., 274, 1951, 108-117.

LENS, Sidney. The crisis of American labor, A. S. Barnes and Co., New York, Perpetua edition, 1961, 190ss.

McKEAN, Dayton David, Party and pressure politics, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1949, 640ss.

ODEGARD, Peter H., Pressure politics. The story of the Anti-Saloon league, Columbia U. P., New York, 1928.

ODEGARD. Peter H., Religion and politics, Oceana Publications, New York, 1960.

OGBURN, William F., TALBOT, Nell Snow,  « A measurement of the factors in the presidential election of 1928 », Social forces, vol. 8, Dec. 1929, 175-183.

OVERDIKE, W. Darrell, The Know-nothing party in the South, Louisiana State U.P., Baton Rouge, 1950.

RAMNEY, Austin, « Toward a more responsible two-party system ; a commentary », The American political science review, vol. XLVI, no. 2, 1951, 488-500.

RAMNEY, Austin, KENDALL' Willmore, Democracy and the American party system, New York, 1956.

RAMNEY, Austin, KENDALL, Willmore, « The American party systems », American political science review, vol. XLVIII, June 1954, no. 2.

SEURIN, Jean-Louis, La structure interne des partis politiques américains, Librairie Armand Colin, 1953.

SHEPPARD, Harold, MASTERS, Nicholas, « The political attitudes and preferences of Union members », American political science review, June 1959, 442-443.

The Annals of the American Academy of political and social science, vol. 259, Sept. 1948 ; numéro consacré à Parties and Politics : 1948.

TURNER, Julius, « Primary elections as the alternative to party competition in « safe districts », The Journal of politics, vol. 15, May 1953.

TURNER, Henry A., « National politics : aeras of one party control », Social science, vol. 28, no. 3, 1953.

WALLACE, Henry A., « Why a third party in 1948 ? » The Annals..., vol. 259, Sept 1948, 10-17.

WHITE, William Allen, Politics : the citizen's business, Macmillan, 1924.


BEAN, Walton, Boss Ruef's San Francisco, Berkeley, U. C. P., 1952.

BLAISDELL, Donald, American democracy under pressure. The Ronald Press Co., New York, 1957, 144ss.

BROGAN, D. W., Politics in America, Anchor Books, Doubleday, New York, 1960, ch. IV.

BURDICK, Eugene, BRODBECK, Arthur J., eds., American voting behavior, The Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois, 1959, 225-247.

FLYNN, Edward J., You're The Ross, The Viking Press, New York, 1947.

FORTHALL, Sonya, Cogwheels of democracy, New York. 1946.

GOSNELL, Harold F., Machine politics, Chicago, 1937.

GREENSTEIN, Fred I., « The changing pattern of urban party politics », The Annals..., May 1964, 1-13.

HUTCHINSON, E. P., Immigrants and their children, John Wiley, N.Y., 1956.

KELLY, Stanley Jr., Professional public relations and political power, John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1956.

KENT, Frank R., The great game of politics, Garden City, N. Y., 1930.

KURTZMAN, D. H., Methods of controlling votes in Philadelphia, Privately printed, 1935.

LENS, Sidney, The crisis of American labor (particulièrement le ch. V).

McKEAN, Dayton David, The Boss : The Hague machine in action, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1940.

McKEAN, Dayton David, « Political machines and national elections », The Annals.., vol. 259, Sept. 1948, 46ss.

McKEAN, Dayton David, Party and pressure politics, op. cit., 281ss.

MERTON, Robert K., Social theory and social structure, The Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois, 1957, 73-82.

MOSCOW, Warren, Politics in the Empire State, Alfred A. Knopf, 1948.

PIERRE, Henri, « Les machines sont en travers de la route », Esprit, novembre 1952, 612ss.

RIEDEL.., James A., « Boss and faction », The Annals.., May 1964. 14-26.

RIORDAN, William L,. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1948.

ZINK, Harold, City bosses in the United States, Duke U. P., 1930.


BROGAN, D. W., Politics in America, op. cit., ch. IV.

CARNEY, Francis M., « The decentralized politics of Los Angeles », The Annals.., May 1964, 107-121.

CORNWELL, Elmer E. Jr., « Bosses, machines, and ethnic groups », The Annals..., May 1964, 27-39.

FRIEDLAND, Louis L, « Organized labor and the city boss », The Annals.., May 1964, 40-51.

GABIS, Stanley T., « Leadership in a large manager city : the case of Kansas City », The Annals..., May 1964, 52-63.

GRANT, Daniel R., « Metropolitics and professional political leadership : The Case of Nashville », The Annals.., May 1964, 72-83.

HAVARD, William C.,  « From bossism to cosmopolitanism », The Annals..., May 1964, 84-94.

KAMMERER, Gladys M., DE GROVE, John M., « Urban Leadership during change », The Annals..., May 1964, 95-106.

MOSCOW, Warren, « Exit the boss, enter the leader », The New York Times magazine, June 22, 1947.

POLLOCK, James Kerr, « The cost of the patronage system », The Annals.., vol. 189, Jan. 1937, 29-33.

REDDING, William M., Tom's Town, New York, 1947.

SCRAUF, Frank J., « State patronage in a rural country », American political science review, vol. 50, Dec. 1956, 1046-1056.

TURN, William, « In defense of patronage », The Annals.., vol. I89, January 1937, 22-28.

WILSON, James Q., « The economy of patronage », The Journal of political economy, vol. 59, Aug. 1961.

WOOD, Thomas J.,  « Dade county : unbossed, erratically led », The Annals.., May 1964, 64-71.



EULAU, Heinz, WALKE, John C., Legislative behavior, Glen-coe, Free Press, 1959.

MATTHEWS, Donald R., U. S. Senators and their world, Chapel Hill, University  of North Carolina Press, 1960.

Revue internationale des sciences sociales, vol. XIII, Nov. 1961, numéro portant sur la profession parlementaire.

RICHARDS, Peter, Honourable members : a study of the British backbenchers, London, Faber and Faber, 1959.

WARD, Norman, The Canadian House of Commons : representation, Toronto U. P., 1950.


BENNETT, C. E., « The Evolution of business groupings », The Annals..., CLXXIX, May 1935, 1ss.

CHILDS, H. L, « Pressure groups and propaganda », dans E. B. Logan. ed., The American political Science, Harper, New York, 1936.

GABLE, Richard W., « NAM : Influential lobby or kiss of death ? » The Journal of politics, vol. 15, no. 2, 1953, 254-273.

HARDIN, Charles M., The politics of agriculture : soil conservation and the struggle for power in rural America, The Free Press, Glencoe, III., 1952.

HARDIN, Charles M., « The politics of agriculture in the United States  », Journal of farm economics, vol. 32, Nov. 1950, 571-583.

LEISERSON, Avery. « Organized labor as a pressure group », The Annals.., vol. 274, March 1951, 108-118.

LEVINE, M, « Political suicide in New York », New Republic, CXXIII, Oct. 16, 1950, 16-17.

MASON, A. T., « Business organized as power : the now imperium in imperio », American political science review, XLIV, June 1950, 328ss.

SWENSON, R. J., « The Chamber of Commerce and the New Deal », The Annals..., CLXXIX May 1935, 136-151.


BONE, Hugh A., « Political parties and pressure group politics », The Annals.., vol. 319, Sept. 1958,  81.

BONE, Hugh A., « Drafting the 1952 platforms », Western political quarterly, vol. 9, Sept. 1956, 701.

CALKINS,  Fay, The CIO and the democratic party, University of Chicago Press, 1952, ch. VI.

LEVINE M., « Political suicide in New York », New Republic, CXXIII, October 16, 1950.

ODEGARD, Peter H., HELMS, Allen E., American Politics, Hayer, New York, 1947.


GOLDMAN, Ralph M., « Political conflict, campaign funds and the law », dans TURNER, Politics in the United States, 396-403.

LEDERLE John W., « 1952 campaign cost », Congressional quarterly weekly report, vol. 259, Sept. 1948, 64-74.

LEDERLE John W., « 1952 campaign cost ». Congressional quarterly weekly report, vol. 11, no. 29, July 17, 1953, 915-950.


BURDICK, Eugene, BRODBECK, Arthur J., American voting behavior, The Free Press, Glencoe, III., 1939, ch. 12-13.

CAMPBELL, Angus, COOPER, Homer C., Group differences in attitudes and votes,  Ann Arbor : Survey Research Center, 1956.

CAMPBELL.., Angus et al., The American voter, Wiley, New York, 1960.

CHRISTENSON, R. M., McWILLIAMS, Robert O., ed., Voice of the people, Readings in public opinion and propaganda, McGraw Hill, New York, 1962, ch. 9.

DION, Léon, « Opinions publiques et systèmes idéologiques », Écrits du Canada Français, vol. XII, 1952, 9-171.

DION, Léon, « Democracy as perceived by public opinion analysts », The Canadian  Journal of economics and political science, vol. 18, no. 4, Nov. 1962, 571-585.

GALLUP, George, « How labor votes », The Annals..., vol. 274, March 1951, 123-125.

Hearings before the Sub-Committee on privileges and elections of the Committee on Rules and Administration, Pursuant to Senate resolution, 250, 81st Congress, 2nd sess., « How to elect a Senator », 181-307.

HARRIS, E. A., « The Men behind McCarthy », New Republic, CCXII, April 24, 1950.

KELLY, Stanley, Professional public relations get political power, The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1956.

KEY, V. O., Public Opinion and American Democracy, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1961, 518ss.

KEY, V.O., « The Veterans and the House of Representatives », Journal of  politics, vol. 5, Feb. 1943, 27-40.

LEE, Alfred McLung, « Sociological theory in public opinion and attitude studies », American sociological review, XII, no. 3, 1947, 312-323.

MACRAE, Duncan Jr., Dimensions of Congressional voting, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1958.

MAYER, Martin, Madison Avenue, U. S. A., Harper, New York, 1958, ch. 18.

McWILLIAMS, Carey, « Government by Whitaker and Baxter », The Nation, vol. 172, April 14 and 21, May 5, 1951, 346-348, 366-369, 418-421.

RAMNEY, Austin, « Les élections américaines de 1960 », Revue française de science politique, vol. XI, 1961.

ROSEN, H.. Jalmer, ROSEN, R. A. Hudson, The Union Member speaks, Prentice Hall, New York, 1955.

SCHELLENGER, H. K., « Why Taft won in Ohio », The Public relations journal, VII, January 1951, Business Week, editorial, Sept. 1950.

WHITE, Howard B., « The processed voter and the new political science », Social Research, XXVIII, no. 2, 1961, 127-151.

WHITE, T.H., La victoire de Kennedy. Ou comment on fait un Président, traduit de l'américain par Léo Dilé Robert Lafont. Paris, 1961.



BLAISDELL, Donald, American democracy under pressure, The Ronald Press Co., New York, 1957, 222ss.

DE GRAZIA, Alfred, « Nature and prospects of political interest groups  », The Annals..., vol. 319, Sept. .1958. 113-122.

DOUGLAS, Cater, Power in Washington, Random House, 1964 (tr. française ; éditions du Seuil).

EASTON, David, The political system. An inquiry into the state of political science, Alfred A. Knopf. New York, 1953.

ECKSTHIN, Harry, Pressure group politics. The case of the British Medical Association, George Allen and Union. London, 1960, ch. 1er.

EHRLICH, Stanislaw, « Les groupes de pression et la structure politique du capitalisme », Revue française de science politique, vol. XIII, n° 1, Mars 1963, 25-44.

EHRMANN, Henry W. ed. Interest groups on four continents, International political science association, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1960, 1-9.

McKEAN, Dayton David, Party and pressure politics, 433ss.

TRUMAN, David, The governmental process, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1951.


BAILEY, Stephen Kemp, Congress makes a law. The story behind the Employment Act of 1946, Columbia U. P., 1950.

BAILEY, Stephen K., SAMUEL, Howard D., Congress at work, New York, 1952.

BLAISDELL Donald C., American democracy under pressure, 218ss.

CHAMBERLAIN, Lawrence H., The President, Congress and legislation, Columbia U. P., 1946.

CLEVELAND, Alfred S., « NAM : spokesman for industry », Harvard Business Review, vol. 26, no. 3, 1948, 353-371.

DESMOND, Thomas C., « Those dinosaurs - the state legislatures », The New York Times magazine, January 16, 1955.

GABLE, Richard W., « NAM : Influential lobby or kiss of death », The Journal of politics, vol. 15, no. 2, May 1953, 254-273.

GALLOWAY, George B., The legislative process in Congress, Crowell, New York,  1953.

GROSS, Bertran M., The Legislative struggle. A study in social combat, McGraw Hill, New York, 1953.

HOAR, George F., Autobiography of seventy years, Scribner, New York, 1903.

LUCE, Robert, Congress : an explanation, Harvard U. P., 1926.

MOSCOW, Warren, Politics in the Empire State, Knopf, New York, 200ss.

SCHRIFTGIESER, Karl, The art and business of influencing law makers, Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 1951, 95ss.

WALKER, Harvey, Who writes laws. State government, 1939, vol. 12.


ALMOND, G. A., The American people and foreign policy, New York, 1950.

APPLEBY, Paul H., Big democracy, Alfred A. Knopf, 1945, 38ss.

BERNSTEIN, Marven H, Regulating business by independent Commissions, Princeton U. P., 1955.

BLOUGH, ROY, The Federal taxing process, Prentice Hall, New York, 1952.

BROWNLOW, Louis, The President and the presidency, Public Administration Service, Chicago 1949.

BURNS, James MacGregor, The Deadlock of democracy. Four party politics in  America, Prentice Hall, 1963.

CORSON, John, Executives for the Federal service, Columbia U. P., New York, 1952.

KAUFMAN, Herbert, « The Federal government services », The American Assembly, New York, 1954, 20ss.

KEY, V.O. Jr., « The veterans and the House of Representatives », Journal of  politics, vol. 5, Feb. 1943, 27-40.

MACNEIL, Neil, METZ, Harold W., The Hoover Report 1953-1955, what it means to you as citizen and tax payer, Macmillan, New York, 1956.

MERRIAM, Robert E., « The bureau of the budget as part of the President's staff ». The Annals..., vol. 307, 1956, 15-23.

REDFORD,. Emmette S., Ideal and practice in public administration, University of Alabama Press, 1958.

ROSSITER, Clinton, The American presidency, Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York, 1956.

TOWLE, Katherine A., « The Presidential veto since 1899 ». American political science review, vol. 31, Feb. 1937, 55ss.


BOLLES, Blair, « Who makes U. S. foreign policy ? » Foreign policy reports, vol. 34, Nov. 1, 1943.

CLEVELAND, Harlan, « The executive and the public interest », The Annals.., vol. 307, Sept. 1956, 37-55.

CONAWAY, O. B. Jr., ed., Democracy in Federal administration, Washington, U. S. dept. of Agriculture graduate school, 1956.

DERTHICK, Martha, « Militia lobby in the missile age - the politics of the national guard », dans Changing patterns of military politics, Samuel P. HUNTINGTON, ed., The Free Press, Glencoe, 190-234.

FREEMAN. J. Leifer, « The bureaucracy in politics  », The Annals..., vol. 319, 1958, 16ss.

FREEMAN, J. Leifer, The political process : executive bureau-legislative committee relations, Doubleday, New York, 1958.

FREEMAN, J. Leifer, « The bureaucracy in pressure politics », The Annals..., vol. 319, Sept. 1958, 10ss.

FRISCHKNECHT, Reed L, « The democratization of administration : the farmer committee system », American political science review, vol. 47, Sept. 1953, 704ss.

HARDIN, Charles M., The politics of agriculture : soil conservation and the struggle for power in rural America, The Free Press, Glencoe, Ill., 1952.

HOOPES, Townsend, « Civilian-Military balance », Yale review, Winter, 1954.

HUNTINGTON, Samuel P., The soldier and the State, Cambridge, Mass., 1957.

HUZAR, Elias, The purse and the sword, Ithaca, New York, 1950.

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REDFORD, Emmette S., « The protection of the public interest with special reference to administrative regulation », American political science review, 48, 1954, 1103-1113.

SAPIN, Burton M., SNYDER, Richard C., The role of the military in American foreign policy, Doubleday, New York. 1954.

SCHUBERT, Glendon, The public interest, a critique of the theory of a political concept, The Free Press of Glencoe, III., 1960.

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WHITE Edwin E., « Administrative agencies and statute law making », Public administration review, vol. 2, Spring, 1942, 118.

WILTZE Charles M., « The representative function of bureaucracy », American political science review, vol. 35, June 1941, 510ss.


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BERNS, Walter. Freedom, virtue and the first amendment, Louisiana State U. P., Baton Rouge, 1957.

BERNSTEIN, Johanna, « Volunteer amici curiae in civil right cases », Student law review, New York University, vol. 1. 1952, 95-102.

DION, Léon, « Le libéralisme du statu quo : Is droit protecteur », Recherches sociographigues, vol. 2, n° 1, 1961, 69-100.

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GREENBERG, Jack, HILL. Herbert, Citizen's guide to de-segregation, Beacon Press, Boston, 1955.

HARPER, Fowler V., ETHERINGTON, Edwin D., « Lobbyists before the Court », University of Pennsylvania law review, vol. 101, June 1953, 1172-1177.

HURST, James Willard, The Growth of American Law, Harvard U. P., Cambridge, 1955.

MASON, Thomas, The Supreme Court : vehicle of revealed truth or power group, 1930-1937, Boston U. P., 1953, 1ss.

MOWRY, George E., Theodore Roosevelt and the progressive movement, Hill and Wang, New York, 1946, 213-229.

ROSE, Clement E., « Litigation as a form of pressure group activity », The Annals..., vol. 319, Sept. 1958.

RUDOLPH, Frederick, « American liberty League, 1934-1940 », American historical review, vol. 56, Oct. 1950, 19-33.

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GRAVES, W. R., Administration of lobby registration, Government pamphlet, Feb. 1949.

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LYNCH, David, The concentration of economic power, Columbia U. P., New York, 1946.

MAYER, Martin, Madison Avenue, U.S.A. Harper, New York, 1958, ch. 18.

NEWMAN, James R, BYRON, S. Miller, The control of atomic energy : a study of its social, economic and political implications, Now York, 1948.

ROSE, Irwin, The image merchants. The fabulous world of public relations, Doubleday, Garden City, 1959.

SCHRIFTGIESER, Karl, The lobbyist. The art and business of influencing law makers, Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 1951.

ZELLER, Belle, « The regulation of pressure groups and lobbyists », The Annals..., vol. 319, September 1958, 95ss.

ZELLER, Belle, « The Federal Regulation of lobbying act », The American political science review, vol. 42, 1948, 239-271.

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