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Collection « Les sciences sociales contemporaines »

La pertinence des principes de droit international
pour le règlement du conflit israélo-palestinien

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir du texte de Rachad Antonius, La pertinence des principes de droit international pour le règlement du conflit israélo-palestinien. Montréal: Département de sociologie, UQÀM, mars 2003, 47 pp. [Autorisation accordée par l'auteur le 10 mai 2008 de diffuser cet article dans Les Classiques des sciences sociales.]


ABOUALI, Gamal, 1998

« Natural resources under occupation : the status of Palestinian Water under International Law », in Pace International Law Review, vol. 10/2, , pp. 411-574.


ABU-SITTA, Salman, 1999 (a)

Palestinian Refugees and the Permanent Status Negotiations, Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, Policy Brief nº 7, 16 novembre 1999.


ABU-SITTA, Salman, 1999 (b)

Restitution and Compensation, documents de travail, Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Palestinian Refugee Problem Conference, conférence organisée par le Palestinian Refugee Research Network, Ottawa, 14-15 juillet 1999.


AFIFI, Abdelrahman, 1998

"Le processus de paix au Proche-Orient et l'avenir des colonies juives". Actualité et Droit International, avril


AKRAM, Susan M., 2000

Fora Available for Palestinian Refugee Restitution, Compensation, and Related Claims, BADIL Brief No 2. ASHRAWI, Hanan, 2001

_____, ”Lawlessness and the Rule of Law”, MIFTAH, Posted on on January 20, 2001.


AKRAM, Susan M., 2001

”Reinterpreting Palestinian Refugee Rights Under International Law”, in Nasser Aruri, (ed.) Palestinian Refugees : The Right of Return.


AKRAM, Susan M., and GOODWIN-GILL, Guy, 1998

Brief Amicus Curiae, US Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review, Board of Immigration Appeals, Falls Church, Virginia.


AKRAM, Susan M., and REMPEL, Terry, 2003

Temporary Protection for Palestinian Refugees : A Proposal, Manuscript. This is a shorter version of the author’s forthcoming article in 52 De Paul Law Review 1101, 2004.


AL-RAYYES, Nasser, 2000.

”The Israeli Settlements from the Perspective of International Humanitarian Law”, Ramallah, Al-Haq Institute, 139 pp.


ASHRAWI, Hanan, 2001

Lawlessness and the Rule of Law, MIFTAH, affiché sur le 20 janvier 2001. (pas dans version anglaise)


BADIL Resource Center, 2000

Camp David II, UN Resolution 194, and a Durable Solution for Palestinian Refugees, 21 juillet 2000


BOYLE, Francis A., 2002 (a)

Law and Disorder in the Middle East, Media Monitors,


BOYLE, Francis A., 2002 (b)

The Big Lie : Palestine, Palestinians and International Law, Counterpunch Magazine, 2 avril 2002. (


BOYLE, Francis A., 2002 (c)

Palestine, Palestinians and International Law, Professeur de droit international, manuscrit (envoyé par l'auteur), 29 mars 2002.


BRAYER, Lynda, Executive Legal Director, 1996

Letter to the Hon. Gerald Kaufman, M.P., Society of Saint Yves 11 August, 1996


BUTTU, Diana and TARAZI, Michael, 2002

Learning From the Past and Moving Forward in the Middle East, Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine and The Jerusalem Fund, notes d'une conférence donnée le 1er mai 2002, in For The Record No. 110, 2 mai 2002. (Mme Buttu and M. Tarazi sont conseillers juridiques de l'Unité d'appui aux négociations du département des négociations de l'Organisation de libération de la Palestine (OLP).


CHRISTISON, Kathleen, 2002

The Full Story of Resolution 242 : How the US Sold Out the Palestinians. A CounterPunch Special Report, Weekend Edition, 28/30 juin 2002. (Kathleen Christison est une ancienne analyste de la CIA.)



Canadian Policy on the Middle East Peace Peace Process (key issues),


DIXON, John, 1999

Visions of Peace, Realities of Occupation, Jerusalem Quarterly File, numéro 6,


ENDERLIN, Charles, 2002

Le Rêve Brisé, Paris, Fayard.


FLAPAN, Simha, 1987

The Birth of Israel, Myths and Realities, London, Croom Helm.



Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories : A Guide. (


FROWEIN Jochen Abr., 1998

« The Relationship between Human Rights Regimes and Regimes of Belligerent Occupation », in Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, vol. 28, pp. 1-16.


FUX Pierre-Yves, and ZAMBELLI Mirko, 2002,

« Mise en oeuvre de la Quatrième Convention de Genève dans les territoires palestiniens occupés : historique d'un processus multilatéral (1997-2001) », in Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge, n° 847, septembre, pp. 661-695.


HIGGINS, Rosalyn, 2000

Problems and Processes ; International Law and How We Use it, Oxford University Press.


ISRAEL, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 2002

Settlements and International Law (2002)


LADIPOTH Ruth, 1991

« The Expulsion of Civilians from Areas which Came under Israeli Control in 1967 : Some Legal Issues », in European Journal of International Law, vol. 1, pp. 97-109.


LAPIDOTH, Ruth, nd

Do Palestinian Refugees Have a Right to Return to Israel ? Ministère israélien des Affaires étrangères (Le professeur Ruth Lapidoth enseigne le droit international à l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem.).


LAPIDOTH, Ruth, 1994

JERUSALEM : The Legal and Political Background, JUSTICE (nº 3, automne 1994).


LAWAND, Kathleen, 1996

"The Right to Return of Palestinians in International Law," International Journal of Refugee Law, vol. 8, nº 4 (1996).



An International Law Analysis Of The Major United Nations Resolutions Concerning The Palestine Question, U.N. Doc. ST/SG/SER.F/4, U.N. Sales #E.79.I.19 (1979) ;


MALLISON W.T. and S. MALLISON, S., 1980,

"The Right to Return,", Journal of Palestine Studies 125 (1980) ;


MALLISON W.T. & S. MALLISON, The Palestine Problem In International Law And World Order 174-188 (1986)


MALLISON William T., 1998

« A Juridical Analysis of the Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories », in Palestine Yearbook of International Law, vol. 10, pp. 1-26.


MOLINARO, Enrico, 2002

Negotiating Jerusalem- Preconditions for Drawing Scenarios based on Territorial Compromises, Jérusalem, PASSIA, avril 2002 (English, Pp. 127).


MORRIS, Benny, 1987

The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


MORRIS, Benny, 1993

Israel's Border Wars, 1949-1956 : Arab Infiltration, Israeli Retaliation and the Countdown to the Suez War, Clarendon Press, Oxford.


NEFF, Donald, 1995

Fallen Pillars : U.S. Policy toward Palestine and Israel since 1945, Washington, D.C. : Institute for Palestine Studies.


PAPPÉ, Ilan, 1992

The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947-1951, London, I.B. Tauris.


PLAYFAIR Emma (ed.), 1992

International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories, Two Decades of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 524 pp.


QUIGLEY, John, 1997

"Mass Displacement and the Individual Right of Return," British Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 68 (1997) 65 ;


QUIGLEY, John, 1998,

"Displaced Palestinians and a Right of Return," Harvard International Law Journal, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Winter 1998) 171 ;


QUIGLEY, John, 1999 (a)

The Role of Law in a Palestinian-Israeli Accommodation, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, Vol. 31, nº 2-3, printemps/été 1999.


QUIGLEY, John, 1999 (b)

Compensation for Palestinian Refugees : Initial Comments, Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Palestinian Refugee Problem Conference, organisée par le Palestinian Refugee Research Network, Ottawa, 14-15 juillet1999.



ROBERTS Adam, 1990

« Prolonged Military Occupation : The Israeli-Occupied Territories since 1967 », in American Journal of International Law, vol. 84 (1), p. 44-103.


ROBERTS Adam, 1984,

« What is Military Occupation ? », in British Yearbook of International Law, vol. 55, p. 249-305.


SHAMGAR Meir, 1971

« The Observance of International Law in the Administered Territories », in Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, vol. 1, p.262-277.


SHAMGAR, Meir, (ed.), 1982

Military Government in the Territories Administrated by Israel :1967-1980. The Legal Aspects, Jerusalem, Sacher Institute (Hebrew University of Jerusalem).


SHLAÏM, Avi, 1988

Collusion Across the Jordan. King Abdullah, the Zionist Movement, and the Partition of Palestine, Oxford, Clarendon Press.


SHUSTEFF Boris, 2002

The Logistics of Transfer, The Freeman Center for Strategic Studies, juillet 2002.


SIRYANI, Rev. Majdi, 2001

The Status of Jerusalem : Legal Aspects, The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation 1999-



SULLIVAN Stacy (ed.), BENVENISTI Eyal, DOEBBLER Curtis Francis, KALSHOVEN Frits, SASSÒLI Marco, SHAMAS Charles, VEUTHEY Michel, 2002.

« Israel and the Palestinians ? What Laws Were Broken ? », Crimes of War Project, 8 May, (


VIDAL, Dominique, (avec Joseph ALGAZY), 2002

Le Péché originel d’Israël. L’expulsion des Palestiniens revisitée par les « nouveaux historiens » israéliens, Paris, Les Éditions de l’Atelier.


ZEADEY, Faith and HAGOPIAN, Elaine C.,

What Are The Palestinian Collective and Individual Rights Under International Law ?, Fact sheet # 7. TARI lectures.

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Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue
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