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Collection « Les sciences sociales contemporaines »

Landed Refugee Claimants’ First Three Years in Quebec. (1998)
List of tables

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir du document de Jean Renaud and Lucie Gingras, With assistance from: Alain Carpentier, Gérard Pinsonneault and Martine Faille of the Ministry of Relations with Citizens and Immigration, Landed Refugee Claimants’ First Three Years in Quebec. Studies, Research and Statistics Collection No. 2. Québec: Ministère des relations avec les citoyens et de l'Immigration, août 1998, 142 pp. [Le 29 janvier 2014, Monsieur Jean Renaud nous autorisait la diffusion de toutes ses publications et travaux en libre accès à tous dans Les Classiques des sciences sociales.]


List of tables

Table 1.1. Respondents' main countries of birth

Table 1.2. Respondents' main mother tongues

Table 1.3. Respondents' religious affiliation

Table 1.4. Knowledge of French and English according to visa information (at granting of permanent residence)

Table 1.5. Knowledge of spoken French before arrival in Canada, on a sliding scale

Table 1.6. Knowledge of French at time of interview, on a sliding scale

Table 1.7. Knowledge of spoken English before arrival in Canada, on a sliding scale

Table 1.8. Knowledge of English at time of interview, on a sliding scale

Table 1.9. Knowledge of spoken French and spoken English before arrival in Canada, on a sliding scale

Table 1.10. Knowledge of spoken French and spoken English at time of interview, on a sliding scale

Table 1.11. Reason(s) for departure

Table 1.12. Legal status at time of arrival in Canada

Table 1.13. Respondents who knew at least one person at the time of the refugee claim

Table 1.14. Type of contact in Canada or Quebec at time of filing refugee claim

Table 2.1. Assistance received in finding first dwelling

Table 2.2. Barriers encountered in search for dwelling (% "yes" responses

Table 3.1. Cox semi-parametric model 2 : access to first full-time French as a second language program

Table 3.2. Cox semi-parametric model 1 : access to first "other" full-time program

Table 3.3. Cox semi-parametric model 2 : access to first "other" full time program

Table 3.4. Cox semi-parametric model : access to first full-time regular education program

Table 3.5. Cox semi-parametric model 2 : access to first full-time regular education program

Table 3.6. Cox semi-parametric model 1 : access to first full-time COFI program


Table 3.7 - Cox semi-parametric model 2 : access to first full-time COFI program

Table 4.1 - Breakdown of jobs occupied in Quebec, by industrial class and group

Table 4.2. Proportion with work experience before arrival in Canada Table 4.3. Period of first job

Table 4.4. Cox semi-parametric model 2 : access to first job

Table 4.5. Breakdown of first job occupied in Quebec, by industrial class and group

Table 4.6. Main language used on first job

Table 4.7. Main reason job ended

Table 4.8. Main reason respondent left first job

Table 4.9. Respondents who reported doing the same type of work at time of interview as before settling in Canada

Table 4.10. Comparison of current job and job occupied before settling in Canada

Table 4.11. Reasons for not seeking work during first episode of non-employment

Table 4.12. Difficulties encountered in seeking work during first episode of non-employment and first episode after refugee determination

Table 4.13. Efforts made to find a job during first episode of non-employment and first episode after refugee determination

Table 4.14. Sources of income during first episode of non-employment and first episode after claim

Table 5.1. Sources used to find information on housing, health, the labour market, school, language and immigration procedures

Table 5.2. Type of assistance received from NGOs before and after refugee determination

Retour au texte de l'auteur: Jean-Marc Fontan, sociologue, UQAM Dernière mise à jour de cette page le jeudi 27 août 2020 14:04
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue
professeur associé, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
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