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Justus DOOLITTLE, Social life of the Chinese (1876)
Table of Contents. Vol. II.

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir du texte de Justus DOOLITTLE (1824-1880). Social life of the Chinese, with some accounts of their religious, governmental, educational and business customs and opinions, with special but not exclusive reference to Fuhchau. Volume II, 490 pages, 150 illustrations. Première édition : Harper & Brothers, New York, 1865. Réimpression de la réédition de 1876 par Kessinger Publishing’s rare reprints. Une édition réalisée par Pierre Palpant, bénévole, Paris.


Established annual customs and festivals : Observations concerning the Chinese Year — Procession in Honor of Spring — New Year’s Festivities — Fes­tivals and Customs of first Month continued — Festivals and Customs of the second, third, and fourth Months — Festivals and Customs of the fifth Month — Festivals and Customs of the seventh Month — Festival and Customs of the eighth Month — Festivals and Customs of the ninth and eleventh Months — Festivals and Customs of the twelfth Month.

Singular and popular superstitions : Four Superstitions for the Benefit of destitute and unfortunate Spirits — Methods of ascertaining the Will of the Gods or deceased Ancestors in frequent Use — Praying for Rain — The Bread-loaf Superstition — Mis­cellaneous Superstitious Practices.

Business Customs : System of Gobetweens or Middlemen in the Transaction of important Business — Banking, Bank-bills, and Cash — Money-lending Clubs without Interest — Trading and Shop-keeping — Miscellaneous Business Customs.

Meritorious or charitable practices : Distribution of Moral and Religious Books and Tracts — Reverence for Lettered Paper — Native Foundling Asylum — Societies for the Relief of Indigent and Virtuous Widows — So­cieties relating to Marriages and Funerals — Vows relating to the Lives of Animals — The Merit of eating Vegetables and abstaining from Animal Food — Popular Sentiments relating to killing the Buffalo and eating its Flesh — Miscellaneous Works of Charity and of Merit.

Social Customs : The small bandaged Feet of Females — Female Infanticide — Domestic Slavery — Voluntary Clubs — Celebrations of Birthdays — Privileges of Primogeniture and other Family Matters — Common Use of Samshu or Chinese Wine — Giving and receiving Presents — The Tonsure and the Cue — Customs relating to Neighborhoods and to Neighborhood Temples — Customs relating to Lepers — Customs relating to Beggars.

Miscellaneous opinions and practices : The Dragon and the Phœnix — Proverbs and Book Phrases — Chinese Cursing — Preparation and Use of Mock-money — Jugglers — Gamblers — Farces — Sports and Plays — Playacting — Jottings on various Subjects.

Charms and Omens : Charms or Amulets to expel or keep away evil Spirits and unpropitions Influences — Diabolical Charms — Ominous Words and Sentences — Miscellaneous Omens for Good or Evil.

Fortune-telling : Six Methods of Fortune-telling — Explanation of Terms used — Se­lection of Fortunate Days.

Opium and opium-smoking.

Chinese and scripture customs.

Missionary topics : Principles of the true Religion unknown in China before the Introduction of Christianity — Relation of native Helpers to the Evangelization of China — Im­portance of Special Prayer for Native Helpers as a Class — Peculiar or extraordinary Obstacles to the rapid Evangelization of the Chinese — The Duty of the Church in view of there peculiar and extraordinary Obstacles in China.

Interior view of Pekin.

Retour au texte de l'auteur: Jean-Marc Fontan, sociologue, UQAM Dernière mise à jour de cette page le vendredi 12 octobre 2007 16:35
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue
professeur de sociologie au Cegep de Chicoutimi.

Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
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